Ethnic Minority Welsh Women Achievement Association

Celebrating the life and achievements of ethnic minority women in Wales



The closing date for nominations in 8th December 2025.


Who are we?

Ethnic Minority Welsh Women Achievement Association (EMWWAA) formerly known as the Welsh Asian Women Achievement Award (WAWAA) is a charitable organisation. It aims to create a network of women and girls of ethnic minority origin in Wales to provide beacons of inspiration for current and upcoming generations.

EMWWAA's aim is to empower and inspire women and girls of ethnic minorities in Wales through recognition of their contributions. We aim to identify role models for communities and facilitate community cohesion and integration with the mainstream systems. 

EMWWAA is able to recognise and celebrate the achievements of women of ethnic origin by organizing a bi-annual awards ceremony. EMWWAA profiles the achievements of women who are at multiple disadvantages. Not only are they women, but they are also ethnic minority women who have faced barriers of language, culture, appearance, and religion. EMWWAA seeks to make visible how these women have made significant contributions to Wales and to Welsh life and how they have used their talent to help and inspire others.

EMWWAA proudly works in partnership with Cardiff University, Cardiff Sixth Form College, EYSTArt Council of Wales, Women's Equality Network WalesChwarae Teg, BAWSO, Race Equality First, Women Connect First, Race Council Cymru, C3SC (Cardiff Third Sector Council), NWAMI, Unite, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Monumental Welsh Women and Purple Plaques. Our international international collaborator is Aspire For Her.

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Latest news

Congratulations to the newly elected Welsh Labour Leader and the First Minister in Wales, Mr Vaughan Gething and heartfelt gratitude to Mr Mark Drakeford for the outstanding contributions that he has made to all the communities in Wales. 

EMWWAA is proud to collaborate with international organisation Aspire for Her
EMWWAA's HLF funded book Seventy Years of Struggle and Achievement: Life Stories of Ethnic Minority Women in Wales was launched on November 20, 2021
The EMWWAA 2021 AGM was held on International Women's Day

Buy our new book

The stories of women from Wales’ minority communities are seldom heard. This book, part of EMWWAA's HLF project, reveals how black, Asian and other ethnic minority women have built lives in Wales and made significant contributions to Welsh society.

Buy the book